
Visual basic is
Visual basic is

visual basic is

Gary’s influence on my life is profound and still felt, and I credit him for giving me a firm grounding in both the technical side and in writing. (The book was based on handout that Jim and Gary had created for students because they couldn’t find an acceptable book for teaching VB.) That this would happen wasn’t obvious at first, my assistance on that first book quickly evolved into perhaps writing a bit here and there, to writing entire chapters, and then a fuller collaboration with both him and the book’s other co-author, Jim Elam, another SCC professors. In asking me to help out with what would become the awkwardly-titled Microsoft Visual Basic 3 Projects for Windows, he also began my career as a writer.

visual basic is

Gary is, to this day, one of the smartest people I’ve ever known, but more important, perhaps, he was also the person who taught me software development, via classes I had taken previously about the C and C++ programming languages. I accepted immediately, and was excited to help, of course. In 1994, I was asked by Gary Brent, a professor at Scottsdale Community College, if I’d like to help with the technical editing of a book about Visual Basic for the educational market. So far, a few other similar articles are available, including The Faces Behind Microsoft Visual Studio and 20 Years of Visual Studio: Visual InterDev 1.0. Note: This is one of a series of looking-back posts timed to the 20th anniversary of Visual Studio. My first book was about Visual Basic 3, and I later updated it for two other product versions, VB 4 and VB 6.

Visual basic is